woensdag, september 29, 2010

SCIENAR - Scientific Scenarios and Art

Kloveniersburgwal 29
1011 JV Amsterdam
15 October 2010

This seminar is open to everyone interested in the relationship between sciences and art. However, registration is needed.

SCIENAR - Scientific Scenarios and Art
The EU sponsored project SCIENAR takes into account the links existing between Science and Art; it will use the innovative possibilities that new media and ICT offer for a better Visualization and Communication.
Visualizing and Communicating theoretical achievements of present Culture is by no means simple; moreover, presenting them in an innovative way is a fascinating challenge dictated by new trends of Society. ICT allow us to explore and represent these fruitful relationships in a way unthinkable before.
During the seminar, consortium members will report on their contribution in the project. Presentations will touch on mathematics and art, on the border between science and art, on photography and the future role of the computer in art. The day will be closed by a presentation and music performance of Leonello Tarabella.

Friday 15 October 2010
Public project session (9:30h – 17:00h)
9:30h Registration
9:45h Welcome by Dr Mauro Francaviglia, chairman
10:00h Dr Mauro Francaviglia, Universities of Calabria and Torino (Italy): Overview project SCIENAR
10.45h Gheorghe Samoila, ITC (Romania): Brancusi-A life quest for the essence
11:15h – 11:45h Coffee
11:45h – 12:30h Marcella Lorenzi, University of Calabria: Mathematics, arts and photography
12:30h Lunch
14:00h Monika Kovacova, Slovak Technical University (Slovakia): webMathematica - on the border between Science and Art
15:00h    Jak Boumans, Electronic Media Reporting (The Netherlands): Will the computer become the artist of the future
15:30h - 15:45h Tea
15:45h Leonello Tarabella, computerART Lab of  Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Informazione Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy): Informatics and Music
16:45h formal closing of the project by Dr Mauro Francaviglia, chairman
17:00h Drinks

About the project Scienar
The central idea of SCIENAR consists in developing and building three emblematic scenarios at the intersection of Science & Art. Each scenario is closely linked to one of three different historical ages in which the interaction between Mathematics & Art was deep and fruitful. The three scenarios that we have selected are:

Geometry - The Birth of Mathematics in the Antiquity: Arithmetic and Geometry
From the Antiquity to Middle Age, Classical Art represented the space "as it is" in its “frozen” and rigid Euclidean structure. In this historical period Platonic Solids and the Golden Mean were the “prototypes of beauty and harmony”; the underlying Geometry was of course the “Euclidean Geometry”, that describes the “ordinary space” together with its geometrical properties.

Symmetry - Development of Mathematics from Renaissance to '900: Perspective and Symmetry      
The Art of Renaissance was dominated by Perspective and represented the space “as it appears to the eye”, still on a Euclidean basis. Euclidean Geometry appeared as the only paradigm to represent Space and was considered as the basic geometric structure of Nature. The transition from Greek’s Euclidean Geometry to the Geometry of Perspective was related to the conception of “beautiful painting”; canons of beauty and harmony dominated Art and the notion of Symmetry became more and more important.

Relativity - Mathematics in the XX Century: Curvature, Motion, Relativity and Chaos
Modern Art represents the World “as it is perceived by the mind”. In Mathematics we have with Riemannian Geometry the dissolution of an absolute space in favour of many private ones, dominated by non-linearity, curvature, extra dimensions and dynamics. Time and Motion pervade artistic expressions, while new experiments lead to the introduction of Chaos and Fractality also in Art. New Digital Technologies give eventually a further impetus to Art and allow a more and more important crossroad between Art & Science.
A cooperation network, formed on purpose for this Project, aims at bringing together the best of national partners' projects, to start an added value to exchange of ideas and products, and to the mobility of researchers and artists, so to start a new production of cultural events and products, as well as a new network that hopefully will be enlarged in the future to other EU countries.

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